Blog Post

3-D Printed Signage

AISC • January 18, 2018

As 3D-printer technology becomes user-friendly and a standard fabrication methodology, its application in signage remains little understood. Overlooked all together, its applicability in compulsory ADA signage and wayfinding design.

There exists a reluctance to “dive headfirst” into a new fabrication design method for ADA signs. As a result, facilities today are deprived of enhanced building design, usability, effective branding, and design options. All of which are now available with patented 3D-printed ADA compliant Braille signage.

The purpose of this post is to illustrate the universe of options now available, as well as make the reader aware of American / Interstate Signcrafters AIA approved and accredited course on the subject.

Our course confers 1 LU (HSW) and teaches participants the following:

  1. How 3D-printed ADA signage fabrication differs from other fabrication methods,
  2. What additional design options are possible via the 3-D fabrication method,
  3. The ramifications for compulsory ADA sign procurement and design, and
  4. How to specify for 3D-printed ADA signage.

For more information, contact us.

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